U.S. agricultural exports benefit the U.S. balance of trade and compete for market share in the global market. Brazil is one of the most important U.S. competitors in the world oilseeds market. Brazil’s competitiveness in the world market depends largely on its transportation infrastructure and cost. Mexico is the third largest destination of U.S. agricultural exports after China and Canada. These market reports provide the latest transportation costs, volumes, and other market developments in Brazil and Mexico. Additional reports include a series of timely studies of the impact of Brazilian infrastructure improvements on the soybean world market shares, and Mexican transportation infrastructure improvements for livestock and meat.
- Brazil Modal Share Analysis for Corn and Soybeans 2010-19 (Summary) (pdf)
- Update On The Impact of Brazil’s Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on U.S. Soybean Market Share: An Updated Analysis from 1992-2022 Summary (pdf)
- The Impact of Brazil’s Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on U.S. Soybean Market Share: An Updated Analysis From 1992-2019 (pdf)
- The Impact of Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on U.S. Soybean Market Share: An Updated Analysis From 1992-2017 (pdf)
- Brazil Soybean Transportation
- Soybean Transportation Guide: Brazil
- UPDATE ON United States-South America Grain Freight Spreads (Summary) (pdf)
- United States-South America Ocean Grain Freight Spreads (Summary) (pdf)
- Estimated Impacts of Mexican Transportation Infrastructure Improvements on the U.S. Meat Complex (pdf)
- Eroding U.S. Soybean Competitiveness and Market Shares: What Is the Road Ahead? (pdf)
- The Potential Impact of Brazil Transportation Efficiencies on World Cotton Trade (pdf)
- Mexico Transport Cost Indicator Report
- U.S. Grain and Soybean Exports to Mexico: A Modal Share Transportation Analysis, 2007-2010 (pdf)
- Tracking U.S. Grain, Oilseed and Related Product Exports in Mexico: Summary (pdf) | Full Report (pdf)