- SC-24 Positive Lot Identification Stamp(s)/Die(s) Request Form (pdf)
- SC-184-7a Almond Treatment Process Verification Report (pdf)
- SC-184-7b Almond Non-Conformity & Corrective Action Request (pdf)
- SC-213 Inspection or Audit Services Rendered to Other SC Program Divisions
- SC-214 Inspection or Audit Services Rendered to Specialty Crops Inspection
- SC-237 Request for Inspection
- SC-237A Request for Audit Services
- SC-248 Inspector’s Assistant Authorization Record (pdf)
- SF-270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- SC 293 Federal-State Shipping Point Inspection Service Licensee’s Performance Rating (pdf)
- SC-294 Report on Sanitary Inspection
- SC-350 SCI Division Hardware Request Form
- SC-359 Market Inspector Training (MIT) Core Commodity Inspection Certification (CIC) Commodity OJT Progress (pdf)
- SC-369 Market Inspector Training Core Commodity Inspection Certification (CIC) Training Evaluation (pdf)
- SC-371 PLI Stamp-Die Accountability Sheet (pdf)
- SC-383 Records Review
- SC-396 Annual Cooperator's Report (pdf)
- SC-399 State Cooperators’ Communication-Feedback Form
- SC-397 Supervisory Review Checklist
- SC-400 Federal State Cooperative Market Office Review
- SC-430 Vendor Form
- SC-468 Application for License to Sample or Inspect Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Miscellaneous Products
- SC-651 - Agreement for Participation in Audit Verification Programs
- Billing Divisions of the Specialty Crops Program for Inspection Services
- BIQMS Review Procedures Guide
- Inspection Branch Internal Quality Management System (BIQMS) Quality System Service Standards (pdf)
- Records Retention And Disposition (pdf)
- Reimbursement for Inspection or Audit Services
- SCI Division Hardware Request Policy (pdf)
- Technical Advisory Committee
- AIM Inspection Series Sanitation Manual
- Application of Tolerances for Import Requirements & Marketing Order Regulations
- Approval and Use of Automatic Sampling Devices
- Approval and Use of Automated Sorting Devices for Incoming Almonds (pdf)
- Export Apple Act Export Grape & Plum Act
- Federal State Inspection Certificate (FV-184) Handbook (pdf)
- Downloading New versions of FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH #012 Detailed Notesheets for Canadian Import and U.S. Export Inspections Performed on a FV-E205 and FV-E207 (pdf)
- PATCH #013 Greenhouse Tomatoes automatically reporting color in FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH 028 FEIRS Broccoli Offsize Percentage Guidance (pdf)
- PATCH #050 Reporting Defects for Salad Mix in FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH #055 Winter Pears Workaround (pdf)
- PATCH #074 U.S. Standards for Grades of Watermelons FEIRS Application (pdf)
- FPB 02-2 Identifying Tomatoes from Florida with PLI Marks that are Producer-Packed
- General Shipping Point Manual
- Method of Determining Percentages of Various Commodities (pdf)
- Mexican Tomato Suspension Agreement (pdf)
- Positive Lot Identification (PLI) Manual & Worksheets
- Reporting Spiders in Containers of Fruits or Vegetables
- Reporting Out-of-Grade Lots Under Marketing Orders at Shipping Point (pdf)
- Scale Tolerances for Determining Net Weight (pdf)
- SCI Division Safety Manual
- Section 8e Import Requirements
- Serially Numbered Forms Accountability
- Tolerance Testing of Produce Sizing Rings
- Tomato Super-Lot Pilot Program (pdf)
- Tomato Suspension Agreement
- Aquaponics Operation Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
- Audit Billing Procedures (pdf)
- Audit Billing Worksheet (xls)
- Auditor Evaluation Worksheet (doc)
- Auditor Evaluation Worksheet – Completion Instructions (pdf)
- Food Defense Audit Standard (pdf)
- FPB 701 Minimum Auditor Criteria for Federal & Federal-State Personnel Licensed to Perform Audits (pdf)
- FPB 702 Unannounced Verification Review for GAP-GHP Audit Verification Program
- FPB 703 Fresh Products GAP-GHP Audit Appeals, Complaints & Dispute Procedures
- FPB 705 Use of Agreement for Participation in GAP-GHP Audit Program
- FPB 706 FV-237A Request Form for Audit Services
- FPB 08-02 Instructions for the Corrective Action Process in GAP-GHP Audits
- GAP Audit Program Scope (pdf)
- GAP-GHP Audit Verification Program Policies & Procedures
- Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Audit Standard (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Program Manual
- Harmonized GAP Standard (V. 1.0) (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Standard (V. 2.0) (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Plus+ Standard (V. 2.0) (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Plus+ Standard (V. 3.0) (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Plus+ Standard (V. 4.0) (pdf)
- Instructions for the Use of GAP/GHP Logo
- GAP Audit Checklists
- GAP&GHP Checklists spell check enabled (xls)
- Harmonized GAP Checklist (V.5.0) (xlsx)
- Harmonized GAP Plus+ Checklist (V.4.0) (pdf)
- Harmonized GAP Plus+ Checklist (V.4.0) (xlsx)
- USDA Audit Checklist for Mushroom Production Facilities (mGAP) (xls)
- Unannounced-Follow Up Checklist (xls)
- Unannounced-Follow Up Checklist (pdf)
- Plant Systems Audit Checklists
- Remote Audits (pdf)
- USDA Food Box Vendor Verification Audits (pdf)
- Employee Misconduct-Bribery Procedures
- Employee Rotation Policy
- Federal and Federal-State Shipping Point and Cooperative Market Supervisors’ Manual
- Unacceptable Conduct by Users of the Inspection Service
Guidance Documents and Resources
Addendums to the Cooperative Agreement
- Form SF-425 Financial Status Report
- Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87 Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian tribal Governments
- Form SF-LLL Certification Regarding Lobbying
- SF-424B, Assurances (pdf) Non-construction Programs
- Form AD-1047 (pdf) Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions
- Form AD-1048 (pdf) Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions
- Form AD-1049 (pdf) Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Grants) Alternative I - For Grantees Other Than Individuals
- Part 400 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
- AMS Directive 408.1 (pdf) Financial Guidelines for Cooperative Grading Programs
- AMS Directive 2210.2 (pdf) Investment of Public Funds
- Audit Services Billing Worksheet Currently in Draft Format
Cooperative Market
- Downloading New versions of FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH #012 Detailed Notesheets for Canadian Import and U.S. Export Inspections Performed on a FV-E205 and FV-E207 (pdf)
- PATCH #013 Greenhouse Tomatoes automatically reporting color in FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH 021 FEIRS Shipper Selection Procedures (pdf)
- PATCH 023 FEIRS Guidance for Completing COD Information (pdf)
- PATCH 030 FEIRS Superseding Certificates After Billing Periods (pdf)
- PATCH 072 Recording Hourly Premium Time in FEIRS (pdf)
- PATCH 101 FEIRS Appeal Application Remark (pdf)
- Patch 103 Recording TMI Travel Time in FEIRS (pdf)
- Federal Field Office and Federal-State Cooperative Market Field Office Review
- Appeal Inspection Report (pdf)
- FPD 12-1 Computer-Generated (Electronic) FV-200, FV-201, FV-248 & FV-248A
- FV-300 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Inspection Certificate Manual
- General Market Manual
- Local Travel Policy (pdf)
- National Shippers Contact List (pdf)
- Requesting Deployment of the Fresh Electronic Inspection Reporting/Resource System (FEIRS) Program and Related Equipment (pdf)
- Superseding or Canceling Fresh Electronic Inspection Reporting/Resource System (FEIRS) Certificates (pdf)
- Supervisory Reviews of Agricultural Commodity Graders
- Terminal Market Inspection Training Manual (pdf)
- Travel Charge Policy (pdf)
- USDA Inspection for Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)