New Hampshire LFPA Plus Executive Summary

The NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food (NHDAMF) will collaborate with the NH Food Bank (NHFB) and its partners to expand the NH Feeding NH program as it establishes additional local sourcing partnerships with NH producers. NHDAMF will subaward procurement activities to NHFB’s NH Feeding NH program to build relationships and purchasing agreements with local farmers and fishermen. This will allow NHFB to supply fresh produce, protein, and dairy products to a network of over 400 partner agencies including food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, schools and after-school programs, senior centers, and others providing food assistance throughout the state. Through this program, NHFB will purchase from at least 250 local producers, of whom at least 51% are socially disadvantaged. Funding in support of NH Feeding NH will establish a consistent supply of local food to be distributed both through NHFB’s warehouse and through direct relationships between agencies and producers. NH Feeding NH will utilize the funds so that at least 50% is spent on produce and at least 35% is spent on dairy products and protein including meat, eggs, and fish. At least 10% of funds will be used to purchase foods that NH Feeding NH identifies as culturally relevant to the state’s immigrant communities so that they can be better supported through partner agencies. Funding through LFPA and LFPA Plus would enable NH Feeding NH to provide nutritious, local food to partner agencies serving community members in need, as well as provide additional market opportunities to NH producers.