Washington D.C. LFPA Plus Executive Summary

In Washington, D.C. food insecurity disproportionately affects Black and Latinx households with low-income. Through the Local Food Purchasing Agreement, the District of Columbia seeks to expand partnerships between socially disadvantaged farmers/producers and community-based organizations that provide free, direct food distribution to underserved residents facing food insecurity in Wards 7 and 8. LFPA funds will be provided to Joyful Food Markets, operated by Martha’s Table, to procure fresh produce from BIPOC farmers through Dreaming Out Loud, and then distribute the produce at one of over 53 school-based markets in Wards 7 and 8. In addition, funding will be provided Capital Area Food Bank and to the Produce Plus Program, operated by FRESHFARM, to offer fresh, local produce to residents aged 55+ enrolled in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program and Senior Brown Bag program. These activities will expand the reach of food distribution to underserved communities not typically served by traditional food distribution networks, increase consumption of local foods, and build economic opportunity for BIPOC local and socially disadvantaged producers.