Pueblo of Zuni LFPA Plus Executive Summary

The Pueblo of Zuni is seeking funding through the USDA’s Local Food Promotion Program (LFPA) to launch a project titled "Revitalizing Traditional Food Systems to Promote Food Sovereignty and Health Equity in the Zuni Community". The goal of this project is to promote food sovereignty and increase access to healthy, locally produced foods for the Zuni community, while also building economic opportunities for local farmers and growers. 

U.S. Warehouse Act Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report Now Available

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Warehouse and Commodity Management Division (WCMD) published the United States Warehouse Act (USWA) Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report, detailing operations, financial information, efficiencies and cost savings. A copy of the report is available at https://www.ams.usda.gov/reports/united-states-warehouse-act-annual-reports


Pre-Solicitation Announcement for the Purchase of Various Dairy and Poultry Products

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced plans to purchase the following commercially available Dairy and Poultry products for distribution to various food nutrition assistance programs. Purchases will be made under the authority of Section 5 of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Charter Act.

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