- April, 1986: Food Security Act of 1985, Pub. L. 99-198 – to give the Secretary of Agriculture the ability to develop a Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order in 1985. [85].
- April 4, 1986: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information; Procedures for Nominations and Elections of Pork Producers and Nominations of Importers for Appointment to the Initial National Pork Producers Delegate Body – to establish procedures for selecting nominees for appointment to the initial National Pork Producers Delegate Body. The Delegate body would nominate persons for appointment to the National Pork Board, recommend the rate of assessment, and determine the amount of assessments that each State association would receive. [51 FR 11553]. Effective April 4, 1986.
- September 5, 1986: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order – to establish a national, industry-funded, and operated Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program. [51 FR 31898]. Effective September 5, 1986.
- October 10, 1986: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order – to correct a table heading in the September 5, 1986 Federal Register publication. [51 FR 36383].
- August 11, 1988: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program; Amendments to the Order – to 1) extend assessment collection to include market agencies that sell on behalf of producers, 2) modify requirements for annual reports from organizations receiving annual funds distributed by the National Pork Board, 3) require the use of USDA data to determine the number of pork producers in each state when nominating producers to the Delegate Body, and 4) make an editorial change for clarification. [53 FR 30243]. Effective August 11, 1988.
- November 2, 1989: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to correct three numbers in the table listing assessments for pork and pork products that were published on September 21, 1989. [54 FR 46222].
- January 2, 1991: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research Termination – to 1) terminate the provision of the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order containing a monthly schedule for remittance of assessments in favor of a schedule based on any consecutive 4-week period, and 2) issue a remittance schedule in the regulations that extends the time period for paying assessments from 10 to 15 days. [56 FR 4]. Effective February 1, 1991.
- June 29, 1995: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program Change in Requirements for Annual Financial Audits – to terminate the provisions of the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order containing requirements for submission of annual financial reports to National Pork Board by organizations that receive less than $10,000 in annual distributed assessments. This rule also increases the minimum annual revenue requiring a certified public accountant audit from $10,000 to $30,000. [60 FR 33681]. Effective July 31, 1995.
- November 28, 1995: Federal Register Technical Amendments to the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order and Rules and Regulations – to eliminate sections which are duplicative or obsolete – these sections deal with membership on the Delegate Body, obtaining refunds, and other miscellaneous provisions to avoid current and future conflict. [60 FR 58501]. Effective December 28, 1995.
- January 14, 2005: Federal Register Exempting Organic Producers From Assessments by Research and Promotion Programs – to amend all 17 commodity research and promotion orders and/or rules and regulations to exempt any person receiving and handling solely 100 percent organic products from paying assessments to any research and promotion program administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). To obtain an exemption, the person must operate under an approved organic system plan authorized by the National Organic Program (NOP) and produce and market only products that are eligible for a 100 percent organic label under the NOP. [70 FR 2744]. Effective February 14, 2005.
- June 17, 2020: Federal Register USDA Debt Management – to establishes the civil penalty for failure to remit any assessment or fee or for the violation of a program under the Pork Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act. [85 FR 36687]. Effective June 17, 2020.
- January 25, 1988: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to increase the assessment from 2 to 3 hundredths of a cent per pound and to modify the remittance schedule. [53 FR 1909]. Effective February 24, 1988.
- July 21, 1988: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to increase the assessment rate on imported pork products. [53 FR 27477]. Effective August 22, 1988.
- September 21, 1989: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to decrease the assessment by three- to five-hundredths of a cent per kilogram on imported pork and pork products. [54 FR 38813]. Effective October 23, 1989.
- May 30, 1990: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to increase the assessment on imported pork and pork products. [55 FR 21847]. Effective June 29, 1990.
- June 10, 1991: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to increase the assessment on imported pork and pork products by four- to five-hundredths of a cent per pound. [ 56 FR 26589]. Effective July 10, 1991.
- October 15, 1991: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information – to 1) increase the rate of assessment on domestic pork from 0.25 to 0.35 percent market value as prescribed in the initial Order, and 2) increase the assessment on imported pork and pork products to reflect the 0.10 percent increase in the initial assessment rate. [56 FR 51635]. Effective December 1, 1991.
- October 30, 1992: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research Final Rule – to decrease the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork products by three- to four-hundredths of a cent per pound. [57 FR 49133]. Effective November 30, 1992.
- September 8, 1993: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to decrease the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork products by three- to five-hundredths of a cent per pound. [58 FR 47204]. Effective October 8, 1993.
- September 8, 1994: Federal Register Pork Promotion and Research – to increase the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork products by two-hundredths of a cent per pound. This rule also revised the Harmonized Tariff System numbers used to identify imported live porcine animals, pork, and pork products to conform with U.S. Customs Service changes. [59 FR 46323]. Effective October 11, 1994.
- June 7, 1995: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985 Increase in Assessment Rates – to increase the assessment rate from 0.35 to 0.45 percent of market value and increases the assessment rate on imported pork and pork products to two- to four-hundredths of a cent per pound. [60 FR 29962]. Effective September 3, 1995.
- June 4, 1996: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Increase in Importer Assessments – to increase the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork products by two-hundredths of a cent per pound. [61 FR 28002]. Effective July 5, 1996.
- July 8, 1996: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Increase in Importer Assessments – to correct an error in a table listing cents per kilogram assessments. [61 FR 35597]. Effective July 5, 1996.
- May 13, 1997: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Increase in Importer Assessments – to increase assessments on imported pork and pork products by eight-hundredths of a cent per pound. [62 FR 26205]. Effective June 12, 1997.
- August 28, 1998: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Decrease in Importer Assessments – to decrease assessments on imported pork and pork products by one-hundredth of a cent per pound. [63 FR 45935]. Effective September 28, 1998.
- August 17, 1999: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Decrease in Importer Assessments – to decrease assessments on imported pork and pork products by sixteen-hundredths of a cent per pound. [64 FR 44643]. Effective September 16, 1999.
- December 28, 2001: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Increase in Importer Assessments – to increase assessments on imported pork and pork products by seven-hundredths to one-tenth of a cent per pound. [66 FR 67071]. Effective January 28, 2002.
- September 16, 2002: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Rules and Regulations Decrease in Assessment Rate and Decrease of Importer Assessments – to decrease domestic assessments from 0.45 to 0.40 percent and decreases the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork products two- to four-hundredths of a cent per pound. Also, this Final Rule adds a Harmonized Tariff Schedule number for prepared or preserved pork. [67 FR 58320]. Effective September 30, 2002.
- March 3, 2004: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Decrease in Importer Assessments – to decrease assessments on imported pork and pork products by five-hundredths to seven-hundredths of a cent per pound. This rule also deletes two live porcine animal Harmonized Tariff Schedule numbers and adds five new live porcine animal numbers. [69 FR 9924]. Effective April 2, 2004.
- November 4, 2022: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order—Decrease in Assessment Rate and Importer Assessment – decrease domestic assessments from 0.40 to 0.35 percent and decreases the amount of assessment on imported pork and pork producers one- to three-hundredths of a cent per pound. [87 FR 66535]. Effective January 1, 2023.
- December 29, 1988: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Interim Final Rule – to amend regulations issued under the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order by revising the table which lists the Tariff Schedule of the U.S. to comply with the Harmonized Tariff System implemented by the U.S. Customs Service, and 2) to include a new chart listing the Harmonized Tariff System numbers of live animals subject to assessment. [53 FR 52626]. Effective January 1, 1989.
- April 20, 1989: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Final Rule – to adopt the amendments to the Order by revising the table which lists the Tariff Schedule of the U.S. to comply with the Harmonized Tariff System implemented by the U.S. Customs Service. And, to incorporate a listing of the assessment amounts in cents per kilogram rather than dollars per pound. These changes facilitated the continued collection so assessment on imported porcine animals, pork, and pork products by U.S. Customs Service. [54 FR 15913]. Effective May 22, 1989.
- July 19, 1990: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Interim Final Rule – to amend the Order by revising the numbers used to identify pork and pork products listed on the Harmonized Tariff System table implemented by U.S. Customs Service. [55 FR 29340]. Effective July 19, 1990.
- October 22, 1990: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Final Rule – to revise the numbers used to identify pork and pork products listed on the Harmonized Tariff System table implemented by U.S. Customs Service. [55 FR 42554]. Effective November 21, 1990.
- July 18, 1991: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Correction – to correct the cents per-kilogram assessments for three Harmonized Tariff Systems numbers for imported pork and pork products that appeared in the June 10, 1991 Federal Register. [56 FR 32952]. Effective July 10, 1991.
- July 27, 1988: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program Procedures for Conduct of Referendum – to implement regulations for the conduct of a referendum, as required by the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985, to determine whether the Order should be continued. Referendum must be held September 5, 1988 to March 5, 1988. [53 FR 28182]
- July 13, 2000: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program Procedure for the Conduct of Referendum – to establish procedures for conducting a referendum on September 19, 20, 21, 2000 to determine if producers and importers favor continuation of the Order. [65 FR 43498]. Effective July 14, 2000.
- October 19, 2000: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program Amendment to Procedures for the Conduct of Referendum – to amend the referendum procedures by providing an additional five-day period for absentee ballots. [65 FR 62577]. Effective October 20, 2000.
- November 28, 2000: Federal Register Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Program Procedures for the Conduct of Referendum – to clarify the intent of the revised referendum procedures, that the phone number of voters should be included on the certification form. [65 FR 70769]. Effective November 28, 2000.