Mushrooms 57 FR 31951: Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order: 12/31/1992
- July 15, 1992 Procedures for the Conduct of Referenda in Connection With the Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order and Rules of Practice Governing Proceedings on Petitions To Modify or To be Exempted From Such Order – Establishes procedures used by the USDA when conducting an initial referendum to determine whether the issuance of the proposed Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer information Order, published as a proposed rule, is favored by the mushroom industry. The procedures are also used for subsequent referendum under the Order. The Order was published in a separate document. [57 FR 31951] Effective: July 20, 1992
- December 31, 1992 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order –Establishes the Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order under the Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1990. The Order was approved by a majority of eligible producers and importers of mushrooms who represented a majority of the pounds produced or imported. [58 FR 3449]. Effective: January 8, 1993
- February 08, 1993 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order; Rules and Regulations- States that monthly reports are mandatory and must be submitted by first handlers directly to the Council. [58 FR 8197]. Effective: February 11, 1993
- March 14, 1995 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order; Rules and Regulations – Requires first handlers to provide a tax identification number instead of a farm identification number for each producer they interact with. [60 FR 13614]. Effective March 14, 1995
- December 23, 1997 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order; Referendum Procedures – Requires that a referendum be held every five years to determine whether importers and producers favor continuance of the program. Newly formatted referendum procedures include parameters for voting, definitions, use of subagents, referendum reports, and the confidentiality of information. [62 FR 66975]. Effective: December 24, 1997
- January 14, 2005 Exempting Organic Producers From Assessment by Research and Promotion Programs- Exempts any person receiving or handling authorized organic products from paying assessments. Amends 17 research and promotion programs.. [70 FR 2758]. Effective: February 14, 2005
- July 30, 2007 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order and Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan; Corrections- Updates the definition of assessments to include identifications for the Harmonized Tariff Schedules codes of imported mushrooms that travel through customs. Identifiers include .0709.59 and .0709.51.01 [72 FR 41427]. Effective: July 30, 2007
- April 23, 2009 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order –Corrects referendum procedures and adds missing language to Subpart C of the Order regarding terminating the program. Revises the “General” section of Subpart C to state a referendum held is to determine whether producers and importers favor amending, continuing, suspending, or terminating the Order. [74 FR 18464]. Effective: April 24, 2009
- October 2, 2009 Amendments to Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order- Reapportions membership to reflect shifts in U.S. mushroom production and adds language to the powers and duties section allowing the Council to develop and propose good agricultural and handling practices and related activities for mushrooms. Changes the Act's requirements for geographic regions used to appoint producer members from four to three, and adjusted the pounds required by each region for Council membership, which reallocated Council member representation in two of the three producer geographic regions. [74 FR 50919] Effective: October 5, 2009.
- December 31, 2015 Exemption of Organic Products From Assessment Under a Commodity Promotion Law - Exempts people that produce, handle, process, market, manufacture, or import organic certified products from paying assessments. [80 FR 82025]. February 29, 2016
- April 24, 2019 Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order; Reallocation of Council Membership- Reallocates the membership of the Council. Region 1 represents all other states including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico except California and Pennsylvania and has three members. Region 2 is the state of Pennsylvania and has four members. Region 3 is the state of California and has one member. Region 4 represents Importers and has one member. [84 FR 17062]. Effective: May 34, 2019
- Total amendments: 11
- Act: Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1990
- Act amendments: Exempting Organic Producers from Assessment by Research and Promotion Programs 2005, Exempting Organic Producers from Assessment Under a Commodity Promotion Law 2015.