October 2024
- Proposal: Meloxicam - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Annotation Change - DL-methionine (pdf)
- Proposal: Annotation Change - Iodine (pdf)
- 2026 Livestock Sunset Reviews: §205.603 (pdf)
April 2024
October 2023
April 2023
October 2022
April 2022
October 2021
April 2021
October 2020
- Proposal: Fenbendazole - petitioned (pdf)
- LS 2022 Sunset substances review (pdf): Butorphanol, Flunixin, Magnesium hydroxide, Poloxalene, Formic acid, EPA List 4 - Inerts of Minimal Concern, Excipients, Strychnine
April 2020
- Discussion document: Fenbendazole - petitioned (pdf)
- LS 2022 Sunset substances review (pdf): Butorphanol, Flunixin, Magnesium hydroxide, Poloxalene, Formic acid, EPA List 4 - Inerts of Minimal Concern, Excipients, Strychnine
October 2019
- 2021 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Atropine, Hydrogen peroxide, Iodine, Magnesium sulfate, (Parasiticide) Fenbendazole, (Parasiticide) Moxidectin, Peroxyacetic/Peracetic acid, Xylazine, DL-Methionine, Trace minerals, Vitamins
- Proposal: Use of excluded method vaccines in organic livestock production (pdf)
- Discussion document: Fenbendazole - petitioned (pdf)
April 2019
- 2021 Sunset Reviews (pdf): (Parasiticide) Fenbendazole, (Parasiticide) Moxidectin, Atropine, Hydrogen peroxide, Magnesium sulfate, Peracetic acid, Xylazine, Iodine, Methionine, Trace minerals, Vitamins
- Proposal: Oxalic acid - petitioned (pdf)
- Discussion document: Use of excluded method vaccines in organic livestock production (pdf)
October 2018
- 2020 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Alcohols: ethanol, isopropanol; Aspirin; Biologics, vaccines; Electrolytes; Glycerin; Phosphoric acid; Lime, hydrated; Mineral oil; Sucrose octanoate esters
- Discussion document: Oxalic acid - petitioned (pdf)
April 2018
- 2020 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Alcohols: ethanol, isopropanol; Aspirin; Biologics, vaccines; Electrolytes; Glycerin; Phosphoric acid; Lime, hydrated; Mineral oil; Sucrose octanoate esters
- Proposal: Glycolic acid - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Clarifying “emergency” for use of synthetic parasiticides in organic livestock production (pdf)
October 2017
- Livestock 2019 Sunset Reviews: §205.603 (pdf)
- Chlorine Materials (Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Sodium hypochlorite), Chlorhexidine, Glucose, Oxytocin, Tolazoline, Copper sulfate, Lidocaine, Procaine (pdf)
- Proposal: Sulfur - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Hypochlorous acid - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Clarifying “emergency” for use of synthetic parasiticides in organic livestock production (pdf)
April 2017
- Livestock 2019 Sunset Reviews: §205.603 (pdf)
- Chlorine Materials (Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Sodium hypochlorite), Chlorhexidine, Glucose, Oxytocin, Tolazoline, Copper sulfate, Lidocaine, Procaine
- Discussion Document: Clarifying “emergency” for use of synthetic parasiticides in organic livestock production (pdf)
November 2016
- Proposal: Acid Activated Bentonite - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aluminum Sulfate - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Sodium Bisulfate - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Ivermectin removal - petitioned (pdf)
April 2016
- Proposal: Amendment to the usage of Parasiticides (pdf)
- Proposal: Lidocaine and Procaine - Annotation Change (pdf)
- Proposal: Hypochlorous Acid - petitioned (pdf)
October 2015
- Livestock 2017 Sunset Review, §205.603 & §205.604 (pdf)
- Alcohols: Ethanol; Alcohols: Isopropanol; Aspirin; Atropine; Biologics; Vaccines; Butorphanol; Chlorhexidine; Chlorine Materials: Calcium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite; Electrolytes; Flunixin; Furosemide; Glucose; Glycerin; Hydrogen peroxide; Iodine; Magnesium hydroxide; Magnesium sulfate; Oxytocin; Parasiticides: Fenbendazole; Parasiticides: Ivermectin; Parasiticides: Moxidectin; Peroxyacetic/Peracetic acid; Phosphoric acid; Poloxalene; Tolazoline; Xylazine; Copper sulfate; Formic Acid; Iodine; Lidocaine; Lime, hydrated; Mineral oil; Procaine; Sucrose octanoate esters; Methionine; Trace minerals; Vitamins; EPA List 4 - Inerts of Minimal Concern; Excipients; §205.604; Strychnine
- Discussion Document: Lidocaine and Procaine - Annotation Change (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Use of Parasiticides (pdf)
April 2015
- Proposal: Methionine (MET) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Zinc Sulfate - petitioned (pdf)
- Update: Aquaculture Legacy Document (pdf)
- Livestock 2017 Sunset Summaries §205.603 & §205.604 (pdf)
- Alcohols: Ethanol, Isopropanol; Aspirin; Atropine; Biologics, Vaccines; Butorphanol; Chlorhexidine; Chlorine Materials: Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Sodium hypochlorite; Electrolytes; Flunixin; Furosemide; Glucose; Glycerin; Hydrogen peroxide; Iodine; Magnesium hydroxide; Magnesium sulfate; Oxytocin; Parasiticides: Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, Moxidectin; Peroxyacetic/Peracetic acid; Phosphoric acid; Poloxalene; Tolazoline; Xylazine; Copper sulfate; Formic Acid; Iodine; Lidocaine; Lime, hydrated; Mineral oil; Procaine; Sucrose; octanoate esters; Methionine; Trace minerals; Vitamins; EPA List 4 - Inerts of Minimal Concern; Excipients
October 2014
April 2014
- Proposal: Methionine in Organic Poultry Feed (MET) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Chlorine (for aquatic animals) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Tocopherols (for aquatic animals) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Vitamins (for aquatic animals) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Minerals (for aquatic animals) – petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Biologics: Vaccines (for aquatic animals) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - CO2 (for aquatic plants) - petitioned (PDF)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Chlorine (for aquatic plants) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Micronutrients (for aquatic plants) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Lignin Sulfonate (for aquatic plants) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Vitamins B1, B12, H (for aquatic plants) - petitioned (pdf)
October 2013
- Proposal: Methionine in organic poultry feed - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Chlorine - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Tocopherols - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Vitamins - petitioned (pdf)
- Proposal: Aquaculture - Trace Minerals - petitioned (pdf)
April 2013
- Proposal: Pet Food Amino Acids - petitioned (pdf)
- Interim Report: Vaccines Made with Excluded Methods (VMWEM) Working Group (pdf)
October 2012
- Proposal: Nonanoic acid (pelargonic acid) (pdf)
- Proposal: Pet Food Amino Acids (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Omnivore diets (methionine) (pdf)
May 2012
- Proposal: GMO Vaccines derived from Excluded Methods (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Species specific guidance (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Dairy auditor score sheet (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Dairy score card (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Guidance for Assessing Welfare: Bison (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Guidance for Assessing Welfare: Poultry (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Guidance for Assessing Welfare: Sheep (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Outcome score tally sheet for Animal Welfare (pdf)
November 2011
- Proposal: Animal Welfare and Stocking Rates Regulatory Language (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Welfare and Stocking Rates Guidance Language (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Handling, Transit, and Slaughter Regulatory Language (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Handling, Transit, and Slaughter Guidance Language (pdf)
- Proposal: Species-Specific Animal Welfare Scorecards (pdf)
- Proposal: Species-Specific Guidance (pdf)
April 2011
- Proposal: Animal Welfare [Combined with the 2009 NOSB Recommendation] (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Welfare and Stocking Rates (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Handling, Transit, and Slaughter (pdf)
October 2010
- Proposal: Formic Acid - petitioned (pdf)
- Reaffirmation of Prior Sunset 2012 Recommendations at §205.603 & §205.604 (pdf)
- Sunset 2012 Recommendations on §205.603 (pdf)
- Proposal: Apiculture (pdf)
- Proposal: Animal Healthcare Products/Clarifying §205.238(c)(2) (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Stocking Rates (pdf)
- Discussion Document: Animal Handling, Transit, and Slaughter (pdf)
For proposals prior to October 2010, please contact the NOP at nosb@ams.usda.gov