Canned Tangerine Juice Grades and Standards

Grades of Canned Tangerine Juice

  1. U.S. Grades A or U. S. Fancy is the quality of canned tangerine juice that shows no coagulation; that possesses a very good color; is practically free from defects; possesses a very good flavor; and scores not less than 85 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.

  2. U.S. Grade C or U. S. Standard is the quality of canned tangerine juice that may show slight coagulation; that possesses a good color; is fairly free from defects; possesses a good flavor; and scores not less than 70 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. 

  3. U.S. Grade D or Substandard is the quality of canned tangerine juice that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard.

Inspection Aid

  • Headspace gauge

See How to Purchase Visual Aids for more details.

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: