Canned Freestone Peaches Grades and Standards

Grades of Canned Freestone Peaches

  1. U.S. Grade A is the quality of canned freestone peaches that:
    1. Meets the following prerequisites in which the peaches:
      1. Have a similar varietal characteristics;
      2. Have a normal flavor and odor;
      3. Have overall brightness of the sample unit as a mass and maybe slightly affected by dullness;
      4. Have units that are practically uniform in size and shape in sliced style;
      5. Are practically free from pit material, except for whole style;
      6. Are practically free from crushed and broken units in the styles of whole, halves, and quarters;
      7. Do not exceed the aggregate area of peel specified for the style as follows:
        1. Whole - 5.5 cm2 (0.85 in2 or 1 x .85);
        2. Halves - 4.5 cm2 (0.7 in2 or 1 x .7);
        3. (C) Quarters - 2.25 cm2 (0.34 in2 or 1 x 34);
        4. (D) Slices - 50 count - 1.8 cm2 (0.28 in2 or 1 x .28); 100 count - 3.5 cm2 (0.54 in2 or 1 x.54);
        5. (E) Dice - 0.5 cm2 (0.08 in2 or 1 x .08);
        6. (F) Halves and pieces; Pieces; or Irregular pieces - 3.25 cm2 (0.5 in2 or 1 x .5);
      8. Have a good character such that the number of units that have fairly good character does not exceed the following:
        1. Whole; Halves; and Quarters - 1 unit;
        2. Slices - 50 count - 3 units; 100 count - 5 units; 16
        3. Halves and pieces; and Pieces or irregular pieces – 50 grams;
        4. Dice - 10 grams.
    2. Is within the limits for defects as classified in Table IV and specified in Tables V, VI, VII, VIII, or IX.
  2. U.S. Grade B is the quality of canned freestone peaches that:
    1. Meets the following prerequisites in which the peaches:
      1. Have a similar varietal characteristics;
      2. Have a normal flavor and odor;
      3. Have overall brightness of the sample unit as a mass and may be slightly affected by dullness;
      4. Have units that are practically uniform in size and shape in sliced style;
      5. Are practically free from pit material, except for whole style;
      6. Are practically free from crushed and broken units in the styles of whole, halves, and quarters;
      7. Do not exceed the aggregate area of peel specified for the style as follows:
        1. Whole - 22.5 cm2 (3.5 in2 or 1 x 3.5);
        2. Halves - 19 cm2 (3 in2 or 1 x 3);
        3. Quarters - 9.5 cm2 (1.5 in2 or 1 x 1.5);
        4. Slices - 50 count - 7 cm2 (1.1 in2 or 1 x 1.1); 100 count - 14 cm2 (2.2 in 2 or 1 x 2.2);
        5. Dice - 1.5 cm2 (0.23 in2 or 1 x .23);
        6. Halves and pieces; Pieces; or Irregular pieces - 12 cm2 (1.9 in2 or 1 x 1.9); 17
      8. Have a reasonably good character such that the number of units that have fairly good character does not exceed the following:
        1. Whole; Halves; and Quarters - 3 units;
        2. Slices - 50 count - 5 units; 100 count - 10 units;
        3. Halves and pieces; and Pieces or irregular pieces – 100 grams;
        4. Dice - 20 grams.
    2. Is within the limits for defects as classified in Table IV and specified in Tables V, VI, VII, VIIi, or IX.
  3. U.S. Grade C is the quality of canned freestone peaches that:
    1. Meets the following prerequisites in which the peaches:
      1. Have a similar varietal characteristics;
      2. Have a normal flavor and odor;
      3. Have overall brightness of the sample unit as a mass and may be materially affected by dullness;
      4. Have units that mare practically uniform in size and shape in sliced style;
      5. Are practically free from pit material, except for whole style;
      6. Are practically free from crushed and broken units in the styles of whole, halves, and quarters;
      7. Do not exceed the aggregate area of peel specified for the style as follows;
        1. Whole - 45 cm2 (7 in2 or 1 x 7);
        2. Halves - 38 cm2 (5.9 in2 or 1 x 5.9);
        3. Quarters - 19 cm2 (3 in2 or 1 x 3); 18
        4. Slices - 50 count - 15 cm2 (2.3 in2 or 1 x 2.3); 100 count - 30 cm2 (4.6 in2 or 1 x 4.6);
        5. Dice - 3 cm2 (0.5 in2 or 1 x .5);
        6. Halves and pieces; Pieces; or Irregular pieces - 27 cm2 (4.2 in2 or 1 x 4.2);
      8. Have a fairly good character such that the number of units that have poor character does not exceed the following:
        1. Whole; Halves; and Quarters - 3 unit;
        2. Slices - 50 count - 5 units; 100 count - 10 units;
        3. Halves and pieces; and Pieces or irregular pieces – 100 grams;
        4. Dice - 20 grams.
    2. Is within the limits for defects as classified in Table IV and specified in Tables V, VI, VII, VIIi, or IX.
  4. Substandard is the quality of canned freestone peaches that fails to meet the requirements for U.S. Grade C.

Inspection Aids

See How to Purchase Inspection Aids for more details.

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