955 Vidalia Onions

Crop Shipping Season: April through December
Fiscal Year: January 1 through December 31
Production Area(s): A marketing order defined 20-county region of South Georgia.

Order Authority and Regulations: The marketing order authorizes research and promotion programs for Vidalia onions grown Georgia, as defined by the marketing order. The marketing order went into effect in 1989.  View the full regulation.

  • Research and Promotion:  The marketing order authorizes production research, marketing research and development, and marketing promotion programs, including paid advertising. All of these programs are active and are designed to improve the marketing, distribution, consumption, or efficient production of Vidalia onions.

Committee Structure

The Vidalia Onion Committee administers the order locally and consists of eight producer members and their alternates and one public member and an alternate. Committee members serve staggered two-year terms of office that begin January 1. One-half of the producer members are nominated each year. Members are limited to three two-year terms of office. Producer members are nominated by producers at an industry-wide nomination meeting.  View a list of members & alternates (pdf).


Bob Stafford, Manager, Vidalia Onion Committee
100 Vidalia Sweet Onion Drive
Vidalia, Georgia 30474
(P.O. Box 1609, Vidalia, Georgia 30475)
Phone: (912) 537-1918
Fax: (912) 537-2166
Website: www.vidaliaonion.org

USDA/AMS Contact

Director, Market Development Division
Specialty Crops Program, Agricultural Marketing Service
Phone: (202) 720-8085