OECD Users Guide Section A - OECD Certification for Seed Certifying Agencies

Overview: OECD Certification for Seed Certifying Agencies
In order for State Seed Certifying Agencies (SCAs) to participate in the U.S. OECD Program, they must sign a cooperative agreement with the USDA AMS office. The decision to participate may depend on the need of the seed companies within their state for OECD tags or certificates. These tags or certificates will facilitate the movement of seed to other countries. Currently 26 SCAs are participating in the OECD Program.
There is no charge to SCAs for participation in the program. SCAs can withdraw from participation at any time.
Contact Information
The OECD Program Manager will be the contact for assisting SCAs in establishing a cooperative agreement with AMS for OECD program activities.
Section A-1: Application Procedures
1.1 Who may apply
1.2 Procedures
1.1 Who may apply
The legal seed certification authority in any State may participate in the OECD Seed Schemes upon entering into a Cooperative Agreement with AMS.
1.2 Procedures
a. SCAs must first contact the Program Manager to discuss the qualifications for signing Cooperative Agreements.
b. The SCA must provide the following information to the Program Manager:
  • OECD daily contact person
  • Tax ID number
  • Designated OECD e-mail address
  • Physical mailing address
c. The SCA will need to apply to receive level 2 e-authentication for security purposes. The Program Manager will send the appropriate information for the e-authentication process.
d. Program Manager will send appropriate documents to establish the Cooperative Agreement between AMS and the SCA. These forms are also available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mrpbs/forms/
Under the terms of the Cooperative Agreement, the SCAs accept the responsibility of determining whether seed produced complies with the rules. The proper authority at the SCA will review, sign, and return the forms in a timely manner.
Currently, the appropriate forms are as follows:
Form Name/Number Number of copies that must be returned with original signature
Cooperator Agreement 4
Form SF-424 B 1
AD- 1047 1
AD- 1048 1
AD- 1049 1
e. Once AMS approves and assigns the Cooperative Agreement, it will return a copy of the completed Agreement to the SCA.