Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Pecans Grown in Various States

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Pecans Grown in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas

Docket Number: AMS-SC-18-0090
Comments Due: May 14, 2019


In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request an extension for and revision to a currently approved information collection for Pecans Grown in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, Marketing Order No. 986.

Submit Comments

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments concerning this notice. Comments must be sent to the Docket Clerk, Marketing Order and Agreement Division, Specialty Crops Program, AMS, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, STOP 0237, Washington, DC 20250-0237; Fax: (202) 720-8938; or internet: Comments should reference the docket number and the date and page number of this issue of the Federal Register and will be available for public inspection in the Office of the Docket Clerk during regular business hours, or can be viewed at: All comments submitted in response to this notice will be included in the record and will be made available to the public. Please be advised that the identity of the individuals or entities submitting the comments will be made public on the internet at the address provided above.


Fiona Pexton, Marketing Order and Agreement Division, Specialty Crop Program, AMS, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, STOP 0237, Room 1406-S, Washington, DC 20250-0237; Telephone: (202) 720-2491 Fax: (202) 720-8938, or Email:

Supporting Documents