Cassava Inspection Instructions

There are no U.S. grade standards for Cassava. These instructions have been developed by the Specialty Crops Inspection Division to assist officially licensed inspectors in making inspections, writing certificates and to assist in the proper identification of specialty type fruits and vegetables.

Cassava (Yuca, Manioc, Tapioca Root, Aypu, Boniato, Camioc) is originally from Brazil and is grown throughout the tropical regions of the world. It is a staple food for many. There are two species of Cassava root; bitter and sweet. The bitter form is the more widely used. The Cassava Root must not be tasted raw because it contains a poisonous acid, which is completely dispelled in the cooking process. The starch of the Cassava root is used for making Tapioca.

Detailed, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: