USDA to Enhance National Weekly Comprehensive and Export Pork Reports

December 03, 2020

On Jan. 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will enhance its Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) National Weekly Comprehensive Pork and Export Pork Sales Reports to provide additional market information for pork carcasses and exported products.

At the request of the pork industry, pork carcass trades will be included on the National Weekly Comprehensive Pork Reports (FOB Plant and FOB Omaha). The reports will show the aggregated volume of pork carcasses traded for all destinations (including export), sales types, delivery periods, refrigeration types and packaging styles. If there are pork carcass trades during the week, the value will be included in the comprehensive pork carcass cutout on a 1:1 weighted average ratio. Additionally, AMS will complete its annual update to yield data and packaging and processing costs for wholesale pork. For more information about the pork carcass cutout, please refer to A User's Guide to USDA's Pork Carcass Cutout.

The National Weekly Export Pork Sales Report (FOB Plant and FOB Omaha) will expand to include a new primal, the Export Break, 4/5 Rib, along with new sub primal cut lines (4/5 Rib Break or Simulated Boneless Loins and Skinned Tenderloins). Domestically, normal industry practice is to break the carcass between the 2nd and 3rd rib for the loin – shoulder separation. However, to provide more relevant and insightful information, the Export Break at the 4th and 5th rib will be included on the report as this production practice is predominately used for product sold to export customers.

To access Market News pork reports, please visit: For more information on LMR, visit For additional information, contact Lakisha Aller, AMS Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Assistant Chief, at (515) 284-4460.

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