USDA Announces Results of the California Almond Marketing Order Referendum

February 01, 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that producers voted to amend the federal marketing order for almonds grown in California.

The referendum was held Oct. 30 to Nov. 20. To be accepted, the amendments had to be favored by two-thirds of the producers voting, or by two-thirds of the volume represented.

Following are the amendments voted on and the results for each:

  1. Amendment 1 – “Modifying the definitions for “Almonds” and “Shelled almonds,” adding a definition for “Almond biomass,” changing the term “Control Board” to “Board,” and replacing listed approved outlets for inedible kernels with the term “accepted users?”

Favored by 86.61 percent of voting almond producers, representing 94.99 percent of the production volume voted in the referendum.

  1. Amendment 2 - “Changing the date from December 31 to March 31 for determining handler weighted votes in the nomination process for handler positions on the Board?”

Favored by 85.63 percent of voting almond producers, representing 94.28 percent of the production volume voted in the referendum.

  1. Amendment 3 - “Changing from August 1 to September 1 the date the Board is required to submit volume regulation estimates/ recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture?”

Favored by 86.61 percent of voting almond producers, representing 93.02 percent of the production volume voted in the referendum.

  1. Amendment 4 - “Removing language that requires separate accounting of certain excess funds and sets the reserve fund limit at approximately six months’ “expenses” instead of six months’ “budget?”

Favored by 84.59 percent of voting almond producers, representing 80.65 percent of the production volume voted in the referendum.

  1. Amendment 5 - “Adding authority for the Board to accept advanced assessments from handlers or borrow funds from commercial lenders?”

Favored by 63.59 percent of voting almond producers, representing 56.15 percent of the production volume voted in the referendum.

Producers voting did not show sufficient levels of support for an amendment to add authority for the board to accept advanced assessments from handlers or borrow funds from commercial lenders.

More information about the marketing order is available on the 981 California Almonds webpage, the AMS Marketing Orders and Agreements webpage, or by contacting the Market Development Division at (202) 720-8085.

Authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, marketing orders are industry-driven programs that help fruit, vegetable and specialty crop producers and handlers achieve marketing success by leveraging their own funds to design and execute programs that they would not be able to do individually.  AMS oversees fruit, vegetable and specialty crop marketing orders and agreements, which helps ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity.

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