USDA Announces Appointments to the American Egg Board

December 05, 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the appointment of 11 members and nine alternates to serve on the American Egg Board. Eighteen members and alternates will serve two-year terms, and two members will serve a one-year term. The terms of the new appointees will begin March 2025.

Newly appointed members and alternates are:

East States

  • Jessica Hanslik, Ridgeland, Miss., member

  • Libby Schwab, Hanover, N.H., alternate member

  • John Puglisi, Howell, N.J., member

  • Mark Sauder, Lititz, Pa., alternate member

  • John C. Watson III, Raleigh, N.C., member

  • Lake Wagner, Abingdon, Va., alternate member

  • Gijs Schimmel, Lexington, Ga., member (1-year term)

Central States

  • Thomas Edward Hertzfeld III, Whitehouse, Ohio, member

  • Mitch Knapke, Saint Henry, Ohio, alternate member

  • Jeffrey Cutler, Fort Recovery, Ohio, member

  • Alex Weaver, Versailles, Ohio, alternate member

  • Sean Delano, Whitewater, Wis., member

  • Melinda Creighton Truex, Warsaw, Ind., alternate member

  • Tim Zweering, Holland, Mich., member

  • Ted Greidanus, Neosho, Mo., alternate member

West States

  • Clint Hickman, Litchfield Park, Ariz., member

  • Tracy Ramsdell, Flandreau, S.D., alternate member

  • Emily Battilega, Sioux Center, Iowa, member

  • Pat Melena, Wayne, Neb., alternate member

  • Justin Haats, Spicer, Minn., member (1-year term)

The American Egg Board is composed of 18 members and 18 alternates representing three areas and is authorized by the Egg Research and Consumer Information Act of 1974. More information about the board and list of board members is available on the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) American Egg Board webpage.

Since 1966, Congress has authorized the development of industry-funded research and promotion boards to provide a framework for agricultural industries to pool their resources and combine efforts to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets and conduct important research and promotion activities. AMS provides oversight of 22 boards, paid for by industry assessments, which helps ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity.

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