DG Foods, LLC Process Verified Program



Hazlehurst, MS, Est. P31881
Bastrop, LA, Est. P44097

Process Verified Point(s):

  • No Antibiotics Ever – DG Foods receives and further processes poultry products that are hatched and raised without the use of antibiotics ever.
  • No Antibiotics Used Important to Human Medicine as defined by the World Health Organization – Critically Important Antimicrobials for Human Medicine.
  • Vegetarian Fed – DG Foods receives and further processes poultry products that are raised on all vegetarian diets with no animal by-products included in the rations.
  • Raised Cage Free – DG Foods receives and further processes poultry products that are raised cage free.
  • USA Source Verified – DG Foods receives and further processes poultry products that are hatched and raised within the United States.

For more information on the USDA Process Verified Program and additional information on this specific program, visit the Livestock & Poultry Program’s Quality Assessment Division website.