Beginning January 10, 2018, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will publish an enhanced Weekly Average Weight of Barrows and Gilts Report to provide additional customer service to the swine industry. The report will now provide national average weight data on carcass and live hogs along with regional data. These enhancements will offer more market transparency and provide customers with additional data to use in an evolving and competitive marketplace.
The expanded report replaces the Weekly Estimated Average Live Weights of Barrows and Gilts for Iowa-Southern Minnesota-South Dakota Report. During a recent review of Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) data, it was found the weight data could be broken down further to reflect regional and national average weight data on carcass and live hogs.
The reports will run side-by-side until March 1, 2018, to ensure customers have time to adapt to the expanded report. For more information on LMR, visit: You may also contact Jim Bernau, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Acting Director, at (202) 720-1749; or Taylor Cox, Field Chief, at (515) 284-4460.
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