USDA to Host Stakeholder Meeting to Review Negotiated Cattle Market Reporting Study

October 30, 2019

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will host a cattle industry stakeholder meeting to review recommendations from a study on Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) negotiated slaughter cattle market reporting. The meeting will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2019, from 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. CT, at the USDA National Grain Center located at 10383 North Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, Mo. 64153.

AMS commissioned the study to explore the feasibility of reporting negotiated slaughter cattle purchases in separate 0-14 and 15-30 day delivery windows, through possible realignment of states in the 5-Area reporting region, while maintaining the confidentiality requirements set forth in the LMR statute. Dr. Ted Schroeder and Dr. Glynn Tonsor with Kansas State University and Dr. Lee Schulz with Iowa State University are conducting the study, which will be completed and published on the AMS website in mid-November.

During the meeting, the researchers will review the findings and recommendations from the study to provide AMS direction on ways to publish more robust information for negotiated slaughter cattle markets. This meeting will be held in a federal facility, so participants must register by sending an email to by Monday, November 25, 2019.  Space is limited and each industry association or business is asked to send only one or two representatives. For additional information, contact Michael Lynch, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Director, at (202) 720-4846; or Taylor Cox, Field Chief, at (515) 284-4460.

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