Pork for the European Union

The Pork for the European Union (PFEU) Program has been in effect since 1999 the European Union (EU) and the U.S. agreed to control measures to facilitate the trade of pork.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has designated AMS as the competent authority for verifying that animals meet the PFEU Program requirements according to the FSIS Guideline—Program for Certifying Pork Intended for Export to the EU. 
To operate an approved PFEU Program, production systems that finish hogs destined for slaughter, processing, and subsequent export as meat to the EU must submit a written program manual that meets QAD 1014 Procedure. The production system’s written program manual is verified through independent, third party audits conducted by the Quality Assessment Division in accordance with QAD 1000 Procedure. 
In order for FSIS to provide export certification for the product:
  • The production system must be listed in the PFEU Program Official Listing (pdf).
  • There must be verification that there are effective controls at the slaughter establishment.
The EU export requirements are listed on the FSIS Export website.
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