Proposed Wheat Flour Foods Research, Promotion and Information Order


In 2019, members of the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF) submitted a draft proposal to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) for a promotion, research, and information program for wheat flour used to produce grain foods.  In September 2020, the Order was rescinded for additional changes.  In August 2021, GFF resubmitted the draft proposal for consideration. AMS has received a draft order, industry analysis and justification, and letters of support from various industry groups. The industry analysis provided on April 26, 2019 has been replaced with an updated version provided by GFF on October 26, 2021. 

The proposed order is an industry effort to establish a national program with a board composed of millers and bakers to promote and strengthen consumer demand for bread-basket products made from wheat flour such as sliced and unsliced bread, rolls, buns, bagels, naan, pita, and English muffins.  If established, this program would be implemented under the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996.