AMS-GD-2020-22 - Unacceptable Conduct by Users of the Inspection Service

The contents of this web page do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. The following is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

This instruction clarifies the Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division’s policy regarding discrimination, unsafe working conditions, intimidation, or manipulation by applicants during inspection procedures. The SCI Division will not tolerate actions or language on the part of an applicant or an applicant's agent that are intended to intimidate, threaten, interfere with, or harass an inspector or otherwise alter the course of an inspection. Because of the subjective nature of these situations, each case will be considered on an individual basis to determine whether an action or statement is unacceptable, and whether there is justification for denying grading or inspection service.

Publication Date