Crow Tribe of Indians LFPA Plus Executive Summary

The Crow Tribe requests $2,250,00 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Local Food Purchase Cooperative Agreement Program for the purpose of supporting locally raised and tribally owned cattle and buffalo producers, while providing Tribal members with greater access to food products within their own communities. The Crow Tribe will directly distribute local cattle and buffalo to Tribal members, while supporting the development of Tribal producers and local food systems. 

USDA Implements Electrophoresis Protein Testing to Distinguish Kentucky 31 from Other Tall Fescue Varieties

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced today that beginning Oct. 1, it will start using a form of electrophoresis protein testing known as the Isoelectric focusing (IEF) gel method to distinguish Kentucky 31 from other tall fescue varieties for complaints under the Federal Seed Act. This new method for testing was developed after many years of parallel testing and outreach to stakeholders.

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