Mixed Commodities Grades and Standards

Grades of Mixed Commodities

  1. U.S. Mixed. Consists of fresh fruit or vegetables which are purposely mixed in a container or master container, with more than one commodity or variety shall meet the requirements of the United States Standards for Grades of Mixed Commodities: Provided, That the following requirements are met;

a. Each commodity or variety shall meet the requirements of a U.S. grade in the U.S. standards for the commodity, except for;
1. size, one color, one type or similar varietal characteristic requirements, and;
2. minimum sample size requirements.
b. Mixed commodities which contain fresh fruit or vegetables not currently covered by U.S. grade standards may be certified to U.S. Standards for Grades of Mixed Commodities: Provided, That the lot meets the remaining requirements of this grade.
c. When any commodity fails to meet the requirements as to minimum color, maturity and/or soluble solids as defined in the U.S. standards for the commodity, the lot fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Mixed.
d. Any other product other than fresh fruits and vegetables included in a container shall not be certified. 

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: