Frozen Cauliflower Grades and Standards

  1. U.S. Grade A is the quality of frozen cauliflower that meets the following prerequisites in which the cauliflower:

    1. Has similar varietal characteristics,

    2. Has a normal flavor and odor,

    3. Has a good appearance; and

    4. Is within the limits for defects as specified in Tables I and II, of this subpart, as applicable for the style in § 52.727.

  2. U.S. Grade B is the quality of frozen cauliflower that meets the following rerequisites in which the cauliflower:

a. Has similar varietal characteristics;

b. Has a normal flavor and odor,

c. Has a good appearance; and

d. Is within the limits for defects as specified in Tables I and II, of this subpart as applicable for the style in § 52.727.

  1. Substandard is the quality of frozen cauliflower that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B.

Inspection Aid

  • IA #30A Area Measurement Guide, 8 x 10 in Metric Units
  • IA #30C Area Measurement Guide

See How to Purchase Inspection Aids (pdf) for more details.

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: