St. Joseph, MO Fri March 15, 2019 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News St.Joseph, Stockyards Sheep and Goat Auction Report 3/14/2019 Receipts: 1277 Last Month: 947 Last Year: 1484 Compared to last month, all classes of traditional slaughter lambs sold sharply higher. Non-traditional lambs 50-60 lbs. sold unevenly steady, over 60 lbs sold 20.00-30.00 lower. Feeder lambs sold steady. Slaughter ewes sold steady to 5.00 higher while bucks sold 10.00 lower on a light test. Market kid goats 30-40 lbs sharply lower, with 40 lbs and heavier sharply higher. Slaughter nannies traded unevenly steady, while slaughter billies traded steady. Supply was good with moderate to good demand. Supply included nearly 46 percent of sheep and 54 percent of goats. The sheep supply included near 67 percent slaughter lambs, 5 percent feeder lambs and 20 percent of slaughter ewe, and the balance slaughter bucks. All prices are per hundred weight (CWT) unless noted otherwise. Note: The Sheep and Goat Auction is held at the 2nd Thursday of each month, start time is 3:00 p.m. starting with SHEEP: Slaughter Lambs: Choice, few Prime 2-3 50-60 lbs. 245.00-265.00; 60-70 lbs. 227.50-245.00; 70-80 lbs. 210.00-235.00; 80-90 lbs. 180.00-220.00; 90-110 lbs. 200.00-227.50; 120-155 lbs. 170.00-205.00. Good to Choice 2-3 50-60 lbs. 185.00-215.00; 60-70 lbs. 215.00-225.00; 70-80 lbs. 160.00- 185.00; 120-155 lbs. 134.00-150.00; pkg. 123 lbs. 134.00. Non-Traditional 50-60 lbs. 245.00-270.00; 60-70 lbs. 225.00-245.00; 90-110 lbs. 175.00- 180.00 Feeder Lamb: Medium and large 1 27-50 lbs. 237.50-265.00; Medium and large 1-2 25-50 lbs. 185.00-210.00 Slaughter Ewes: Good 2-4 85-196 55.00-67.50; Few hair ewes up to 72.50-80.00; Utility 1-3 100- 235 lbs. 35.00-47.50 Slaughter Bucks: 140-225 lbs. 52.50-70.00 Replacement Bucks: 88-145 lbs. 100.00-130.00 Ewes/Families: single lamb 175.00-190.00 per family; twins 200.00-250.00 per family. GOATS: Slaughter Kids: Selection 1 30-40 lbs. 220.00-280.00;40-50 lbs. 270.00- 305.00; 50-60 lbs. 205.00-295.00; 60-70 lbs. 255.00-300.00; 70-85 lbs. 210.00-295.00; 90-115 lbs. 185.00. Selection 1-2 30-40 lbs. 140.00- 162.50; 50-60 lbs. 150.00-190.00; 60-70 lbs. 180.00-212.50; 70-80 lbs. 130.00-165.00;80-90 lbs. 115.00-155.00; 90-100 lbs. 120.00-160.00. Stocker Kids: Selection 1-2 20-30 lbs. 225.00-260.00; Selection 1-2 20-30 lbs. 165.00-190.00; Few 20.00 per head. Bottle Goats: 10-20 lbs. 5.00-25.00 per head Slaughter Nannies: Selection 1 114-181 lbs. 125.00-137.50; Few up to 140.00-142.50. Selection 1-2 110-160 lbs. 100.00-115.00; Selection 2-3 85-190 lbs. 80.00-92.50. Replacement Nannies: Selection 1-2 88-205 lbs. 125.00-176.00 Slaughter Billies: Selection 1-2 135-180 lbs. 135.00-170.00. Selection 3 95-145 lbs. 100.00-110.00 Replacement Billies: Selection 1 individual 145 lbs. 210.00 SOURCE: USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News, St. Joseph, MO Jade Jenkins, Charlie Potts, 816-676-7000 24 Hour Market Report 1-573-522-9244 1130 cwp