MP_CN207 February 6, 2025 Memphis, TN USDA Cotton Program, MNB Spot quotations are in cents per pound for cotton equal to the Official Standards, net weight, in mixed lots, compressed, FOB car/truck. SOUTHEAST NORTH DELTA Staple 31-3 41-4 51-5 42-4 31-3 41-4 51-5 42-4 33 63.78 62.78 58.28 61.03 62.53 60.78 56.28 59.03 34 65.78 64.78 59.28 62.03 64.78 63.53 57.03 60.03 35 69.28 66.78 59.78 62.03 65.53 63.53 57.78 60.53 36 69.78 68.28 60.03 62.28 68.03 65.28 58.03 61.03 SOUTH DELTA DESERT SOUTHWEST Staple 31-3 41-4 51-5 42-4 21-2 31-3 41-4 51-5 33 62.53 60.78 56.28 59.03 59.53 58.78 54.28 52.28 34 64.78 63.53 57.03 60.03 62.28 61.78 60.78 52.78 35 66.03 64.03 57.78 60.53 65.53 64.03 60.78 54.03 36 67.78 65.78 58.03 61.03 68.28 66.78 61.63 54.28 Staple EAST TEXAS-OKLAHOMA WEST TEXAS 21-2 31-3 41-4 42-4 21-2 31-3 41-4 42-4 29 55.03 54.03 52.53 50.28 56.53 53.28 52.03 51.03 30 55.53 54.78 54.03 51.53 58.28 55.53 54.78 53.28 31 57.28 56.78 55.53 52.53 59.78 57.53 56.03 55.53 32 61.78 60.78 60.03 57.28 63.53 62.03 61.28 59.03 33 65.03 64.28 61.13 59.28 64.78 63.78 61.78 59.78 34 68.53 67.28 61.88 59.28 67.53 67.28 61.78 60.53 35 69.28 68.28 62.63 59.53 69.03 68.28 61.78 61.03 36 69.78 68.78 68.78 60.03 69.53 68.53 70.03 61.28 Staple SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 21-2 31-3 41-4 32-3 34 74.93 73.43 63.83 63.78 35 76.43 74.68 63.93 64.28 36 78.68 76.43 63.93 65.28 MIKE DIFFERENCES - POINTS PER POUND Mike Ranges SE ND SD ET WT DSW SJV AVG. 24 & Below -1850 -1825 -1350 -1675 25-26 -1075 -1000 -1100 -1850 -1825 -1150 -1333 27-29 -675 -650 -750 -1300 -1200 -1050 -1600 -1032 30-32 -525 -525 -525 -825 -675 -700 -1000 -682.1 33-34 -400 -425 -425 -625 -500 -500 -500 -482.1 Base 35-36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37-42 0 25 25 0 0 25 25 14.286 Base 43-49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50-52 -200 -225 -225 -375 -475 -325 -500 -332.1 53 & Above -375 -375 -375 -450 -500 -525 -433.3 STRENGTH DIFFERENCES - POINTS PER POUND Strength SE ND SD ET WT DSW SJV AVG. 19.0 - 19.9 -485 -525 -505 20.0 - 20.9 -485 -500 -492.5 21.0 - 21.9 -725 -850 -850 -460 -475 -675 -672.5 22.0 - 22.9 -675 -800 -800 -460 -450 -525 -618.3 23.0 - 23.9 -650 -750 -750 -435 -425 -375 -564.2 24.0 - 24.9 -625 -700 -700 -435 -400 -300 -500 -522.9 25.0 - 25.9 -600 -650 -650 -385 -275 -275 -400 -462.1 26.0 - 26.9 -300 -300 -300 -360 -250 -200 -300 -287.1 Base 27.0 - 28.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.0 - 29.9 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 2.8571 30.0 - 30.9 25 25 25 40 10 10 75 30 31.0 - 32.9 50 50 50 45 15 35 125 52.857 33.0 & above 50 50 50 50 25 75 250 78.571 UNIFORMITY DIFFERENCES Uniformity SE ND SD ET WT DSW SJV AVG. 77 & below -125 -90 -90 -90 -70 -100 -60 -89 78 -110 -80 -80 -75 -55 -90 -50 -77 70 -100 -70 -70 -10 -40 -80 -40 -59 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 7 83 20 30 30 0 0 30 80 27 84 30 40 40 0 0 40 90 34 85 40 50 50 0 0 50 100 41 86 & above 50 60 60 0 0 60 110 49 Cotton Program, Market News Division 3275 Appling Rd Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 384-3016