LM_LM352 St. Joseph, MO Fri Feb 07, 2025 USDA Market News National Weekly Slaughter Sheep Review for w/e Friday, Feb 07, 2025 Comments: Compared to last week, negotiated purchases of slaughter lambs were generally 2.00 higher on comparable sales. Negotiated Purchases: This Week: 2,300 Last Week:2,900 Last Year: 2,000 Domestic Slaughter Lambs Choice and Prime: Live Purchases: Weight Price Wtd Avg Range Range Price Wooled and Shorn 147-194.21lbs 147.00-194.21 170.07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Formula Purchases: Formula purchase information for previously slaughtered lambs (carcass basis) Weighted Average Weight: *Not reported due to confidentiality* Weighted Average Net Price: *Not reported due to confidentiality* Weighted Average Dressing Percent: *Not reported due to confidentiality* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comprehensive Information: Includes all Negotiated & Formula transactions submitted this week (carcass basis) Weighted Average Weight: *Not reported due to confidentiality* Weighted Average Net Price: *Not reported due to confidentiality* Weighted Average Dressing Percent: *Not reported due to confidentiality* Note: Each lot of live basis transactions is converted to carcass basis using the estimated dressing percentage packers report for that lot. For example, a live price of $131.30 divided by a dressing percentage of 50.51% equals a $259.95 carcass basis price. These converted prices are aggregated with existing carcass basis prices to determine the weighted average net price. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This report covers transactions reported this week. Comments and market conditions include information gathered from voluntary sources. All prices, weights, and head counts are gathered through the Livestock Mandatory Reporting system. *For more information, please visit www.ams.usda.gov/ConfidentialityGuidelines* Source: USDA Market News Service, St. Joseph, MO 816-676-7000 stjoe.lpgmn@usda.gov www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/LM_LM352.txt www.ams.usda.gov/market-news/livestock-poultry-grain 1500c staff