GL_LS336 Greeley, CO Mon Jul 1, 2024 USDA-CO Dept of Ag Market News National Monthly Replacement Sheep Report Replacement stock price for the month of June 2024. All prices quoted on a per head basis. The below price quotes are the combination of USDA auction market reports, direct market reports and state sponsored replacement sales. June 2024 Class Age Price Ewe Lambs Under 12 months Not Established Yearling Ewes 12-24 months Not Established Young Ewes 2-4 years Not Established Middle Aged Ewes 5-6 years Not Established Aged Ewes Over 6 years Not Established Rams Under 12 months Not Established Lambs under 50 lbs 97.57 Source: USDA-CO Dept of Ag Market News, Fort Collins, CO Chris Dias Market News Reporter 1030M crd