MD_DA440 Butter - Western U.S. Report 41 - Released on October 11, 2023 NOTICE: After October 16, 2023, all information found on this report will transition to a new PDF format. The same data will be collected and disseminated through AMS Marketing Analysis and Reporting Services (MARS) platform. The new pdf report can be accessed on the AMS website at: In the West, cream availability for spot load purchasing is recently slightly looser throughout the region and remains comparatively more available in the northern parts of the region. That said, cream is on the tight side of the spectrum, overall, and much is committed to contractual obligations. Some butter manufacturers indicate additional cream purchases are being limited given current prices. Butter production is mixed amongst manufacturers with currently active churns. Production for retail purposes is strong to steady as schedules work towards current demand and anticipated upcoming holiday season demand. Bulk butter production is steady to lighter. Bulk butter availability is tighter as some manufacturers are focusing on keeping retail production lines at full capacity. Retail and food service demand are mostly reported as steady, while bulk butter demand has recently been lighter. Export demand is moderate to light. The CME had more bullish price movement for butter this week. Daily cash trading prices hit the highest point for the year on October 6 at $3.5025/lb. Prices for: Western U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., Grade AA, Conventional, and Edible Butter Bulk Basis Pricing - 80% Butterfat $/LB: +0.0475 - +0.1100 Information for the period October 9 - 13, 2023, issued weekly Published by: Dairy Market News - Madison, WI Andrew Mattheis, 608-422-8590 Email: Additional Dairy Market News Information: Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602 DMN Website: DMN MARS (My Market News):