PHOENIX Shipping Point Prices as of February 20, 2024. Provided by: USDA Specialty Crops Market News Division Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (404) 361-1376 Fax: (404) 363-2523 Recorder: (404) 366-0360 IX_FV140 WESTERN REGION PECAN REPORT. ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO (via: Forest Park-Atlanta GA) Water is still an issue for growers in the area, with many having to make decisions for the future. Mild temps for the week in both states for daytime and cold evenings for New Mexico. Rain is expected for Monday and Tuesday in some areas. Reported sales of $3.30 per point for 52-56% or better pecans and $3.10 per point occasional higher for 50-52%. Blends of Western Schley with 50% or better meat yields sold for about $3.10-3.30 per point. Prices paid to growers (late afternoon Tuesday, February 06, 2024 thru late afternoon Tuesday, February 13, 2024) at buyers delivery point or F.O.B. the orchard including direct sales to end users, cents per pound in-shell of generally good quality in lots of 20,000 pounds or less unless otherwise stated. Native Seedlings (deliveries very light) 38-40% meat yields 80-100, yard tree lots 50-65 mostly 55-60 THIS IS THE LAST PECAN REPORT FOR ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO FOR 2023. THE NEXT ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO PECAN REPORT IS SCHEDULED TO BE RELEASED IN LATE SEPTEMBER OR EARLY OCTOBER 2024.