GL_GR112 Greeley, CO Fri July 31, 2020 USDA- CO Dept of Ag Market News National Weekly Non-GMO/GE Grain Report Compared to last week: Demand is very good with moderate trade. Grower bids for soybeans and corn was steady. According to NASS Acres Report June 30, 2020, soybeans planted was 83,825,000 acres versus 74,951,000 for 2019 acres and corn planted was 92,006,000 acres versus 89,700,000 for 2019 acres. Grower Bids: bids reported thresher run in dollars per bushel and delivered elevator/warehouse in car lot or truck lots. Basis month is the futures contract delivery month the commodity is being priced against. Basis reflects the relationship between the cash market and the corresponding commodity futures basis month. Cash bid prices are basis of the futures market close on the issue date of this report. Region 1 Basis Basis Cash Price Non-GMO/GE Food Grade Month Range Range U.S. #1 Yellow Soybeans --- -------- --------- U.S. #2 Yellow Corn SEP .04-.33 3.20-3.49 Basis Basis Cash Price Non-GMO/GE Feed Grade Month Range Range U.S. #1 Yellow Soybeans AUG .65-1.38 9.63-10.36 U.S. #2 Yellow Corn SEP .04-.33 3.20-3.49 Region 2 Basis Basis Cash Price Non-GMO/GE Food Grade Month Range Range U.S. #1 Yellow Soybeans --- --------- --------- U.S. #2 Yellow Corn --- --------- --------- Basis Basis Cash Price Non-GMO/GE Feed Grade Month Range Range U.S. #1 Yellow Soybeans AUG .10-1.38 9.08-10.36 U.S. #2 Yellow Corn --- --------- ---------- CME Yellow Soybeans Futures Closes Contract Month 07/27/20 07/28/20 07/29/20 07/30/20 07/31/20 AUG 2020 9.0650 8.9675 8.9150 8.9175 8.9750 SEP 2020 8.9875 8.8775 8.8450 8.8675 8.9025 NOV 2020 8.9975 8.8750 8.8525 8.8825 8.9250 CME Yellow Corn Futures Closes Contract Month 07/27/20 07/28/20 07/29/20 07/30/20 07/31/20 SEP 2020 3.2500 3.2000 3.1550 3.1575 3.1600 DEC 2020 3.3450 3.3000 3.2625 3.2675 3.2700 MAR 2021 3.4550 3.4125 3.3825 3.3825 3.3825 Region 1: Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. Region 2: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and California. Source: USDA- CO Dept of Ag Market News Service, Greeley, CO Jonathan Gittlein, Market Reporter, (970)353-9750 24 Hour Market Report (970)353-8031 1400 jpg