United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Onions

Grades of Frozen Onions

  1. U.S. Grade A is the quality of frozen onions that meet the following requirements:
    1. Similar varietal characteristics except color, when designated as specialty or mixed pack;
    2. Has a normal flavor and odor;
    3. Has good color;
    4. Has a good appearance;
    5. Has no grit or dirt present that affects the appearance or edibility of the product; and
    6. Is within the limits for defects as specified in Tables I and II of this subpart as applicable for the styles in §52.4078.
  2. U.S. Grade B is the quality of frozen onions that meet the following requirements:
    1. Similar varietal characteristics except color, when designated as specialty or mixed pack;
    2. Has a normal flavor and odor;
    3. Has a reasonably good color;
    4. Has a reasonably good appearance;
    5. Has no grit or dirt present that affects the appearance or edibility of the product; and
    6. Is within the limits for defects as specified in Tables I and II of this subpart as applicable for the styles in §52.4078.
  3. Substandard is the quality of frozen onions that fail to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B.

Inspection Aid

  • Area Measurement Guide, 8 x 10 in English Units, IA#30A
  • Area Measurement Guide, IA #30C

See How to Purchase Inspection Aids (pdf) for more details.

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