Archived Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

In response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provided flexibilities to grant applicants and grant recipients. 

OMB Memo M-20-17 (pdf): Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

OMB Memo M-20-20 (pdf): Repurposing Existing Federal Financial Assistance Programs and Awards to Support the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

OMB Memo M-20-26 (pdf): Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations

For additional USDA Resources please visit the USDA coronavirus page.