Concentrated Tangerine Juice for Manufacturing Grades and Standards

Concentrated tangerine juice for manufacturing is the concentrated product obtained from sound, mature fruit of the Mandarin group (Citrus reticulata). The fruit is prepared by sorting and by washing prior to extraction of the juice and the extracted juice is concentrated. The concentrated tangerine juice is processed in accordance with good commercial practice; and may or may not require processing by heat or subsequent refrigeration to assure preservation of the product. The finished product does not contain any additives except that cold-pressed oil to standardize flavor and chemical preservatives permissible under provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act may have been added.

Grades of Concentrated Tangerine Juice for Manufacturing

  1. U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing (or U.S. Fancy for Manufacturing) is the quality of concentrated tangerine juice which shows no material gelation, reconstitutes properly, and of which the reconstituted juice possesses a good color; is practically free from defects; possesses a reasonably good flavor; and scores not less than 85 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.

  2. U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing (or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing) is the quality of concentrated tangerine juice which shows no material gelation, reconstitutes properly, and of which the reconstituted juice possesses a fairly good color; is fairly free from defects; possesses a fairly good flavor; and scores not less than 70 pounds when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. 

  3. Substandard for Manufacturing is the quality of concentrated tangerine juice that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing.

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